Grab Your Space Before They're Gone 'til Next Year!
* * * Limited Quantities Available – Spaces may sell out before our deadline * * *
Our Quest to Create a Revolutionary Space Continues...
Join us as we prepare for the next Cycles Journal
Free & Donation-based opportunities to collaborate & help keep this publication alive.
Only until February 28th
Now more than ever...
as regimes of control and greed rise, resource injustice continues, climate change is visible, and reproductive rights are still a fight...
movements led by organizations, individuals and small/micro-businesses are VITAL to changing the tides and redirecting where our economic and energetic attention goes.
We see the continuation of independent media like Cycles Journal, the body literacy movement it's a part of, and the communal web it carries through its educational and inspirational articles and directory as an important part in this resistance.
Independent print media like Cycles Journal is more needed than ever - as we help support the privacy, body literacy and advocacy for womb-holders & women everywhere.

This journal may be an individual tool, but it is one that makes a relational, communal and collective impact.
And within it lives threads of a community supporting and expanding this shared mission of embodied liberation. Independent media made for and by US.
Submissions to join us inside Cycles Journal are open until February 28th
% of spaces claimed
we're doing things differently this year
because the world feels like it's falling apart
yet here we both are,
doing our heart-work
We know that you're here with us,
serving your role in the changing tides through your vocation, through your actions and intentions...
contributing to the world we want to see.
We hear the call to follow Earth's ways of radical reciprocity and collaboration,
and so we invite you to join us to keep weaving this web
to help others reconnect to their foundations of self-awareness & cyclical living
through sustaining the continuation of our well-loved, self-published Cycles Journal.
I'm ready to donate for a Directory spaceI just want to donate (and am an angel)
So how can we do this sustainably and reciprocally?
In the past we have asked for a sponsorship investment between $200-1000 to have an in-journal Featured Article space which served as an educational advertisement in print, and print + online Directory listing.
These funds would directly support our ability to be able to self-publish & produce Cycles Journal each year.
Now we have decided to offer these spaces with open reciprocity and will not ask for a specific amount for the Directory listing and chance for 1 of 12 Feature spaces.
And, we still need funding.
We understand the times, and want to live our values of equity through new ways of exchange.
So this process is now donation-based - you tell us what you can contribute to support keeping Cycles Journal alive
(a $30-60k annual cost out of pocket, not including our team's labor).
Cycles Journal remains 100% independently published and printed,
with all funds coming from our community's donations, sponsorships, sales & pre-sales.
Thank you for being in reciprocity with us. We truly could not do this without you.
So here's a simple two-step process to be a part of the next printed edition of Cycles Journal:
What is the Healing Resource Directory?
Our Healing Resource Directory [HRD] is a reciprocal support opportunity that we created after receiving countless requests from our community members for more resources & recommendations related to:
• Menstrual Health & Cycle Awareness
• Womb Healing & Ritual
• Natural Medicine & Holistic Healing
• Healing Arts
• Cycle Resources + Care Products
• Visual Arts + Physical Wares
+ so much more!
We wanted to connect our community members to like-minded business like you!
Step 1: Submit a Proposal for what you'd like to write about in a Feature Space
While we are not requiring a cost to submit a proposal or be selected & featured in-journal...
We do ask that you donate to be listed inside of our Directory to participate in reciprocity for Cycles Journal's independent print fund.
Submission are open until February 28th!
We will then select our favorite 12 proposals for a writing Feature.
If selected, your final writing will be due by the end of March.
Below is the form to submit.
Topics we've featured in the past (but are not limited to):
herbal & natural care, astrological wisdom, wholistic cycle awareness, menstrual cycle health, emotional & trauma healing, somatics & embodiment, magic & witchcraft, gender expansiveness, decolonizing the body & cycles, creativity, & more!
Step 2: Donate to be listed inside the Print Directory
Whether your writing proposal gets accepted or not for the large Feature space,
your business info will still be included in-journal & online when you submit a donation of your choice:
Donations over $35 can be payed in interest-free installments with ShopPay at checkout.
Suggested donations:
$50 covers an hour of creation & editing work.
$100 covers the time it will take to review proposals & create your directory listing in the journal.
$300 covers what it will take to format, illustrated & edit one Featured writing space.
Choose what feels good to donate to the next Cycles Journal print fund here:
All donations go towards making the annual self-publication of Cycles Journal possible.
Gratitude for being in reciprocity with us.
or send a specific amount hereWhy Your Support Matters!
Cycles Journal is a queer/latine/femme-owned self-funded & independently published creation.
We receive zero funding outside of sponsorships & pre-sales each year to make this beloved publication possible!
The cost to produce, print & sustain our journals' entire creation and production process is costs us between $30,000-60,000+ each year.
If we can offset this cost through sponsorships, pre-sales, and beyond we can focus on getting this healing resource into the hands of even more cyclical beings!
We can also continue to serve you, independent from corporate greed & restrictions.
You are an essential part of our whole! Join us in reciprocal support.
What if I ONLY want a space in the HRD, not a Featured writing space?
No problem! You can still submit your business info through the same form & donation, and just put N/A in the form fields for the writing proposal.
What if I ONLY want a Featured writing space, and not to be listed in the Directory? Do I still need to submit a donation?
While we are not requiring anything this year, we ask that you consider in the spirit of reciprocity and understanding that we are a full self-published and community-funded creation, what would be accessible for you to donate? Even if it's $5, the act of exchange is deeply appreciated and important to our ability to continue this publication.
What if I'm not a business but I want to support & donate anyways?
You're an angel! Anyone is welcome to donate to our print fund anytime here. Deep, deep gratitude.
Who else do you know who needs to be in here?
If everyone shared this with two friends, our impact could be tripled!
Process & Timeline
February - Submission open
February 28th - Submissions close
by March 7th - Featured writings selected & notified
by March 30th - Final writing due
April - Feature creation & approval
May - HRDirectory is sent to all for approval / edits
June - Journal is submitted for print & production - Pre-sale begins
September - Journals available
Become a part of our Featured Collective
Join us in Reciprocal Support
This investment in your business helps fund the creation of our independently published journal while giving you a boost within our community.
For the last 4 years we have self-funded our Cycles Journal creation to ensure that we had agency over every detail & prevent topics from being diluted & our values were being upheld without the scrutiny of corporate profit. The cost to produce & print our journals is expected to reach over 6 figures in printing costs this year. $$$,$$$.
We believe it is of the utmost importance to get our journals into the hands of more Cyclical Beings but to do this we need your help. This is one of the many reasons our Healing Resource Directory + Featured Sponsorship Opportunities exist.

Every year we get hundreds of inquiries from our community, seeking deeper support to:
• Learn more about their cycles
• Support like-minded businesses
• Heal from past wounds, trauma, & more
• Find relief from symptoms & everyday ailments through multi-faceted wholistic support
• Manage their emotions & life experiences with more ease
• Expand knowledge into related topics of herbalism, breathwork, healing modalities, astrology, & other modalities
• Grow in community with other cyclical beings
• Nourish themselves & strengthen their bodies
• Create rituals that bring them joy & abundance
• And so so much more!
Since we believe in a world of mutual interdependence,
not rugged individualism of "everyone for themselves"...
We decided it would be mutually beneficial
to direct our community to those already doing this work...
This was how our Healing Resource Directory came to be.
Inside of the annual publication of Cycles Journal,
and listed on our frequently visited website,
we have created a space where change-making leaders & teachers like...
• intentional business owners
• healing practitioners
• resourceful creatives
• embodied leaders
• community change-makers
• ethical brands
• spirit-led mystics
• blossoming wisdom-sharers
& so many other teacher & creator types like you
can share your wisdom to help others WHILE growing and showcasing your business & services!

& there's a bonus...
This investment not only gives back to your own growth,
but also the very mission you believe in.
Instead of relying on the mega-corporations who try to filter us out and non-consensually use our data to advertise...
You could be featured in and through the our annual independent publication Cycles Journal
which is devoted to wholistic cyclical awareness and Spirit+Earth-centric existence.
This investment is rooted in sharing space and wisdom with those who are already interested in your realm and have chosen to be a part of our community's shared values and mission.