Libra New Moon | Sept 25th
What does it Mean When the New Moon is in Libra?
The leaves are changing, the air is crisping, and the energy of letting go is ripe within us. This can only mean one thing…
Fall is here and with the turning of the seasonal wheel comes the New Moon in Libra. This new moon will take place on Sep 25, 2022 at 2:55 p.m. PST/ 5:55 p.m. EST.
The new moon is always a good time to shed and take note of what you want to build upon during the next cycle.
The beauty of this particular new moon is that if you live in the northern hemisphere, you get to see the same energy play out in the seasonal shifts around you.
September 2022 Libra New Moon Insights
This new moon has many significant qualities:
- This moon takes place during mercury retrograde.
- It’s in the cardinal air sign of Libra, which means new beginnings.
- Libra signals the beginning of fall.

But what does all of this mean?
During this new moon, you’ll most likely be deep in reflection, as mercury retrograde calls us to pause and re-connect to past cycles. You can do this on a physical, emotional, or spiritual level.
Maybe even all three!
A good practice would be to look back through your Cycles Journal and observe what has gone on for you in the space between this new moon and the last.
Libra is an air sign which governs justice, balance, exchange, relationships, and aesthetic.
Libra is also a cardinal sign, which means that it is an initiator.
It is the bringer of fall, and on an energetic level, it governs new beginnings.
To truly maintain balance in life, we have to open to the energies of death and release. Fall brings these important energies to the equation.
This new moon is going to challenge you to start taking inventory of what may need to fall away as we begin a new cycle.
Libra New Moon Energies
- Everyone has a different lens through which they view life. This new moon in Libra asks you to examine yours. It’s a great time to get clear on your relationship to life and the roles you play in the lives of others. (see guided journal prompts on this below!)
- If your emotions are high, check in with yourself and see if you’re being triggered by any injustices in your relationships. This new moon will give you the opportunity to think about the best way to clear the air.
- Are there spaces in your life where you don’t feel there is equal energy exchange? You may notice this come up in your relationships with family, friends, coworkers, or lovers. Start thinking about the conversations that need to take place in order to find balance.
Libra New Moon Guided Journal Prompts
Sometimes we can get so used to the way that we see a situation that we don’t realize it no longer aligns to how we WANT to feel or show up in life.
This new moon invites you to think about the lens through which you view your relationship to life.
The following guided journal prompts were crafted to help you see it all on paper and make decisions about what may need to be released or changed in order for you to truly feel aligned to the life you want to live.

Guided Journal Prompts
- Think about a current struggle you are facing, it could be in relationship to life or in relationship to others. Take a moment to journal about it.
Now go back and reread what you wrote.
- What parts of this story are true? Underline them.
Which parts are based on potential triggers, fear, emotion, or opinion? Underline them.
- What parts of his story are you afraid to let go of? Journal about why.
- Write down what you can change about the way you view the situation to make it one that supports you.
- Set some new moon intentions around what new experience you would like to call in and write them down.
Don’t have time to do these journal prompts right now? Turn to page 283 of your 2022 Cycles Journal for a quick new moon check in!
Libra New Moon Ritual
“Listen Closely, your body is calling you home to yourself.”
- Zoë Louise
Our bodies naturally sync to the rhythm of the seasons. Each fall you may notice your energy start to wane. You might also start noticing inflammation, cravings, and sluggish digestion, these are all signs that it’s time to cleanse the summer season from the body.
If you’re a bleeding person, fall is represented by the Luteal phase. During this phase you may start to feel more introverted, notice cravings change, and you may feel aches and muscles pains. These are the signs the the body is preparing for the natural cleansing menstruation brings.
In either instance, the season of fall is signaling that it’s time to release.
Use this new moon to get clear on what you are ready to release in your physical, emotional, and spiritual life.
Write it down on a piece of paper.
You may choose to keep this piece of paper where you can see it so you can use it as a checklist, or burn it to signify release.
Use this simple clearing ritual to harmonize with the cycle we are stepping into and note your progress in your Cycles Journal.
This ritual was inspired by the spread on page 231 of your 2022 Cycles Journal submitted by life coach, relationship mentor and cycle synching expert, Zoë Louise (she/her), called Harmonize With Your Cyclical Nature.
Happy Fall Clearing and Happy New Moon!
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