Full Moon in Gemini = Mental Health Check ❤️️
Disclaimer: we are not mental health professionals – please reach out to a hotline or professional if you are in a crisis – we have provided resources at the bottom of this blog post!

Our full moon in Gemini peaks on Wednesday, December 7 at 11:06 p.m. EST. Yet you've probably already been feeling it, too – as full moon energy tends to span out to a few days before & after!
Since the sign/archetype of Gemini is ruled by Mercury – the planet of communication, mentality, and connection – we're inviting you all to take a little mental health break with us and check in on yourself! Especially during this busy and often stressful time of year.
You deserve rest and care. Whatever you're going through, you are not alone.
Our mind is a part of our body – but for many of us it has a habit of taking over!
On this journey of embodiment & cyclical healing, we invite you to remember that your mental & menstrual health are allies to your holistic wellbeing when you take the time (even a few minutes) to check in. Your mental wellbeing affects your womb, your whole body, & the collective world around you. In turn, the other bodies & Earth’s body around you can offer either overwhelm or support – it all starts from your centerpoint of perspective.
Let this sink in with a realization that all is beautifully interconnected and reciprocal – there is no pressure but instead endless potential.
This is your invitation to tune in and practice mindfulness off the screen. While mindfulness can look like sitting on a cushion and meditating, stillness is not your only option (especially on a charged full moon!)
Try some mindful movement – put on a playlist and dance, shake, or move it out.
We also invite you to reflect through the following prompts in our free community, in your cycles journal or cyclical notebook, or elsewhere!

You can also pull tarot or oracle cards for these prompts;
Mental Health Check-in:
- What is the energy of my current mental state?
- What mental cycles or patterns is this connected to?
- How can I tend to myself with more compassion?
- Where can I turn for additional support?
- How can I honor the progress I've already made on my healing path?
Take your time letting these reflections, feelings or cards unfold – sit with them and let them simmer. Take deep breaths, please – you are supported.
Our minds change as quickly as the moon’s phases – so remember your center within this dance of impermanence.
As always – please be gentle with yourself, allow yourself space to breathe and integrate, and if you feel triggered at any point – please reach out to trusted loved ones, or through the resources below;

Mental Health Crisis Hotlines:
- Mental Health Hotline
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
- Crisis Text Line: Text Hello to 741741
- YouthLine: Text teen2teen to 839863, or call 1-877-968-8491
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: Text "START" to 88788 or call 1-800-799-7233
- LGBT National Hotline: 1-888-843-4564
- Trans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860
Therapy Platforms + Other Helpful Resources:
- BetterHelp – virtual therapy platform with financial barrier support
- Psychotherapy Collective – affordable sessions
- InsightTimer – free meditation app
- CBT Thought Diary – free app for cognitive behavioral therapy prompts
- IAPMD – International Association for Premenstrual Disorders
- DBT Self-Help – dialectical behavioral therapy tools
- Lion's Roar – Buddhist Wisdom magazine
- Libby – Free Library App
Tools + Practices When Triggered: (some ideas!)
- meditation or breathwork
- exercise
- going for a walk outside
- divination tools
- calling a loved one
- reaching out to an online forum or community
- writing in a journal
- taking a break from screens
- read a comforting book
- remember the cycles